Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mommy's Project 52:3 Challenging

Wow I have a lot to say on the topic of challenging. As a mother, stepmother, and military wife there are so many challenges. I am constantly having to adapt. I am trying to view these challenges as a positive experience and an opportunity to grow. Here are some things I have learned from all of the challenges I have faced in the last few years.
1. It's okay to ask for help. No one is going to think worse of you because you say I need help today and if they do then they need to be educated, they are not really your friend to begin with, or they are some kind of superhero. :)
2. It's okay to not have all the answers.
3. Do the best with what you have at the time.
4. Cereal is an acceptable dinner food. So is toast and fruit, in fact there have been a few days while my husband has been gone that if it did not fall into the food group consisting of: cookies, cake, ice cream and other similar "junk" I deemed it acceptable.
5. Some days are a Twinkies kind of day. I said this once several years ago when after having a crappy morning I went to get something to eat and came back with lunch and some Twinkies. Man did those Twinkies taste good! Sometimes you just have indulge yourself.
6. Giving to everyone else first leaves you with nothing for yourself. Don't feel bad about saying no sometimes and make sure to take a little time for yourself daily.
7. Live in today but plan for tomorrow. You cannot worry about tomorrow but you do need to plan for it.
8. Enjoy the small stuff. Oh how I miss just having my husband next to me... And man does it feel to be able go to the bathroom by yourself!
9. Let go of the stuff you have no control over. You can control yourself and to some extent your children (kinda depends on their age). Get mad at the other stuff then let it go; it is only going to get worse if you carry it around. And boy is this a work in progress for me!
10. Don't judge yourself on what you see of other people, you never know what you are not seeing. This one is SO HARD! I always find myself comparing my house to other people's and my house definitely comes up short!!! I am not housekeeper of the year, in fact I am so far removed from that title I would never even be nominated. :) But I try to remind myself that I devote myself to my children and I do my best to get to that other stuff. I mean its not like my house is disgusting or anything but dishes get left out overnight or clean laundry piles up waiting to be folded... It always seems like other people can get everything done. It seems like they don't have the problem of clean it and within a couple of hours its dirty again.
11. Be flexible, if something is not working change it.
12. Set achievable goals. Set yourself up for success--don't make it too easy but don't make it next to impossible either.
13. Relationships are work. Even in the best of times relationships take effort and time.


Donna said...

Twinkie day!!! :)

Thanks for all these reminders. I think I need to print this out and hang it somewhere so that I can see it every day!

JAMR said...

Some great tips which we should all remember and practice more often!

Sarah said...

You are welcome!

@Donna :)

Me said...

Love this!