Thursday, August 4, 2011

Mommy's Project 52:1 Teaching

So I am FINALLY getting around to writing this. As I live on the west coast it is still Thursday. :) So I was thinking about all the things I could write about teaching one thing stuck out in my mind; the things I hope I am teaching my children. So here are a few of the many things I hope I am teaching them:

1. How to show someone you love and care about them. That it's not about what you buy or where you go, its about being with them and being there for them. Its about sharing and helping. It's about sacrificing for them and also allowing them to help you when you need it.

2. That everyone is worthwhile. I hope I am teaching my children that it doesn't matter what someone wears, what they look like, their mental or physical ability, how much money they have, where they live, how they talk, or what they believe in (I could go on and on...). They are a person and they have the same feelings that you do. 

3. The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. Treat others as you wish to be treated. If you treat people poorly expect to be treated poorly in return. If you do not help someone do not expect them to help you. If you make a commitment, keep it (unless of course there is an emergency).

4. Believe in yourself. If you don't believe you can't achieve. Keep trying until you get it.

5. Education is invaluable, it opens doors otherwise closed. Learning is a lifelong process, none of us knows everything and that is okay. Ask all the questions you need to in order to understand something or to gain knowledge not previously known. I hope I am also not just giving them information but showing them how to learn and how to discover answers on their own.

6. How to pick yourself up after disappointment. We cannot always have what we want when we want it. Life is full of missed chances and opportunities, pain and suffering, and bad decisions; we need to learn how to recover from them and not allow them to drag us down. Tomorrow is a new day, full of new opportunities.

7. Have FUN! Enjoy your life. Laugh often it really does help.

Oh, and I am going to work on getting all this picture stuff down (i.e. remembering to take more) :)


Me said...

You and your kids are so cute!! Loved your teaching post:)

Dineed said...

I second that. I couldn't have said it better myself. I love reading all the other posts on the same topic. Yeah for Project 52!

Sarah said...

Thank you both!